Our Services

Professional Behavior Services

Personalized Behavior Solutions is endorsed through the State of Oregon’s Office of Developmental Disabilities Services to provide Medicaid-funded professional behavior services to eligible individuals. In Oregon, Professional Behavior Services includes:

  • Gathering and analyzing data, interviews, document reviews, and environmental observations for the development/maintenance of a Temporary Emergency Safety Plan (TESP), Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), and Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP).

  • The initial development of the TESP, FBA, and PBSP.

  • Reviewing the TESP, FBA, and PBSP with the supported individual.

  • Initial training to the individual’s Designated Person(s) on the TESP, FBA, and PBSP.

  • Maintenance of the TESP, FBA, or PBS, including revisions to the individual’s supports when determined necessary by their Individual Support Plan team and the creation/implementation of a data collection system.

Professional behavior services are delivered by a qualified behavior professional using a problem-solving based approach that accounts for each individual's uniqueness. These services emphasize the use of  the least intrusive strategies and supports necessary to decrease unsafe behaviors, with the ultimate goals being to improve their overall quality of life, teaching new skills or building upon existing skills, and ultimately helping to keep the individual in the lowest level of care setting that is able to effectively meet their needs.

Oregon Intervention System

The Oregon Intervention System (OIS) is currently the only Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS) approved behavior intervention curriculum that exists within the state of Oregon. Personalized Behavior Solutions has several certified OIS instructors among our staff, and we offer OIS training to Designated Support Providers working in 24-hour residential settings, children's and adult foster providers serving the IDD population, families who are supporting someone who experiences IDD, as well as other individuals working in a variety of roles within the ODDS system.

Personalized Behavior Solutions holds open workshops which are available to all participants wishing to receive or maintain OIS certification. Our workshops are trained at the General level, however we also offer Crisis level training as needed for those participants that require it. Our workshops are held over the course of two 7-8 hour days (for a combined total workshop time of 12-16 hours, excluding breaks). Each workshop is limited to maximum class-size of 12-18 participants.


OIS Workshop Fee: $100.00 - $106.25

Additional fees may apply, please contact us for a copy of our complete services agreement for additional information. Payment must be received in advance of attending the OIS workshop.

For full a list of our available OIS workshops, please review the official OIS Workshop Calendar:


Note: The Oregon Intervention System, and all materials produced by OIS, are the property of the Oregon Department of Human Services. These materials may not be reproduced without written authorization, and any unauthorized reproduction of any OIS materials may be subject to legal recourse.